“We have been very pleased with the results of the Reefinator. Both seasons have had challenges, but the yield improvement was impressive last year even with the frost issues. Our weed control has improved, from better incorporation of the Trifluralin, and also after late germination cutting crops for hay. This year we have seeded Canola into most of the Reefinated country, and although the germination was slow it now looks good just a month behind! Our one piece of advice would be if you have ironstone country buy a Rocks Gone Reefinator!”

Shaun & Yvette Downey, Hesston Farms, Lake Grace WA

“We farm limestone country at Stansbury, in South Australia. In 2016 we reefinated the worst yielding paddock on the farm. It has 1 metre limestone reefs & we went over it with 3 passes. It became our best yielding paddock of barley with a yield 4.8 tonnes to the hectare. We estimate a yield increase of 40%. Other paddocks although not as impressive showed yield increases of approximately 20%. We were impressed with the ability of rocksgone to recognize the tough conditions we have in South Australia & design stronger tynes & points. In 2017 we had much less breakage.

Peter Agnew, Stansbury, SA

“"We are the proud owners of a 200 series Rocks Gone Reefinator, acquired three years ago. Thanks to this incredible machine, we can now cultivate land that was previously uncultivable.”

Graham White

"The finish that the H4 gives us is exceptional. It transforms already arable land into more manageable terrain, reducing strain on our equipment. I am thoroughly impressed with the outstanding results."

Harley Pittard

"For the past 30 years, we've been cultivating land around a rocky area, but ever since we started using the Rocks Gone Reefinator, non-productive land has been transformed into fertile farming grounds. I haven't come across any other machine that can match its efficiency and speed in getting the job done."

Phil Edmonds

"We are proud owners of two Rocks Gone Reefinators, and I must say, their capabilities are simply unbelievable. In this area, where land holds significant value, just one or two passes with the Rocks Gone Reefinator can result in substantial financial gains."

Ashley King